Tuesday, April 5, 2011

RSS: Day 2

I've been looking through the blogs and don't see too many with Thing 2 posts.  In one Polly responded that the RSS thing is the most complicated.  So I don't feel too bad that I didn't get everything done yesterday.  I set up  iGoogle and later in the day moved lots of the Learn with CDLC links and blogs to a separate page.  That way I can keep up with the questions and answers that come in -- and keep track of the progress of the CDLC staff.

I will say that it's hard to feel lost and to ask stupid questions! But as we say at the reference desk -- there are no stupid questions, right?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I CAN COMMENT!!! ALLLLLLL RIGGGGHT!!!!!! It was Joe T, of course! Well, not really - But I was looking at Joe's blog. I got a message that said "WARNING: a browser setting is preventing you from logging in. Fix this setting?" which was a link that said do settings>privacy> check accept cookies (already set) AND ACCEPT THIRD PARTY COOKIES! which was NOT checked. Checked it, and HERE I AM!

  3. And all because Joe used Tumblr! Who knew??

  4. "Keep track of the progress of CDLC staff" Aaack! Your blog is very active. You are putting the rest of us to shame. Must think of something else to write about on my blog.
