Friday, April 29, 2011

The end of the catch up week

I am linked, booked, tweeted, and I'm flickring out there a bit.  By no means an expert yet, but I do feel more comfortable with moving around in the applications.  And some of my Facebook friends are glad to have me back again after a several month absence.  The jury is still out on what I really think about all of this, but I did manage to re-connect with a friend from library school.  I read in an American Libraries Direct article this week that she is heading up the merge team for the Illinois library systems. I eventually found her on LinkedIn, and we got connected.

Looking forward to Thing 6...!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thing 5

I'm glad for a catch-up week! Today I worked on photos in Flickr, and I set up an account on LinkedIn.  An old friend had sent me a request to join a couple of months ago, and I finally responded.  Next project:  more photo work on my blog.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thing 4: #2

Today was Twitter day.  I set up my account and found a few people/organizations to follow (thanks, Polly, for the start!) but I didn't send any tweets. My initial response to Twitter was "why would I need that?"  I will follow it awhile to see if I can answer the question.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thing 4 : Online Communities

I've been a member of Facebook for awhile now, but I find I'm an "irregular." For awhile I check regularly and sometimes even post, but then I drop out.  I got out of the habit in January and only looked at my page once in awhile over the past few months. I like the posts that provide what I think is useful information, but I'm not so interested in the who-is-doing-what-when stuff.  I can hardly keep up with what I am doing, never mind everybody else!  I keep wondering where people find the time....

I do like the Learn With CDLC page, though.  Guess it's because it has useful information!

Perhaps some of my issues have to do with the work/private interface.  Facebook seems to bring those parts of my life face to face with each other, and that might be awkward sometimes. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wish I were there...

Thing 3: #3

Well, I've made it through the basics anyway!  There is lots more to explore, and many possibilities with the photo-sharing options.  If there were only more time in the day....!

Thing 3: #2

CDLC April 06 016 by JeanKS
CDLC April 06 016, a photo by JeanKS on Flickr.
This time I've brought in the photo directly from Flickr. Making Progress!