Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blogging: Day 3

Yesterday I asked about the Schaffer Libraries of the region, and one person responded that she had worked at all three.  Are there any other 3-Schaffer veterans out there??

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blogging: Day 2

One of the things I learned yesterday  is that I need to read all of the instructions!  And one of the instructions I didn't read was to say a little bit about myself, so I'll do that now.  I'm the director of the Capital District Library Council (sponsor of this great learning experience!).  I've been at CDLC since the fall of 1998 after spending 12 years at Union College's Schaffer Library and 6 at Folsom Library at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 

I know I need to do some of this each day to get comfortable with the process and remember how to sign in.  I'm lucky that many of my colleagues at CDLC are also participating, so we can help each other if we have questions.

Questions of the day:  How many Schaffer Libraries are there in the CDLC region, and where are they??

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thing 1: Blogging

I knew about blogging, and I read blogs, but I admit I didn't really see why I should CREATE a blog.  I'm glad to be required (that sounds better than "forced" right?) to do this as part of Learn With CDLC!  I'm not a person who just experiments with technology -- I like a manual or better yet a teacher in front of me.  So this will be good experience for me in that area too.  Thanks, Polly, for being the teacher out there somewhere!