Monday, March 28, 2011

Thing 1: Blogging

I knew about blogging, and I read blogs, but I admit I didn't really see why I should CREATE a blog.  I'm glad to be required (that sounds better than "forced" right?) to do this as part of Learn With CDLC!  I'm not a person who just experiments with technology -- I like a manual or better yet a teacher in front of me.  So this will be good experience for me in that area too.  Thanks, Polly, for being the teacher out there somewhere!


  1. Good job Jean! I'm not a person who leaves comments, so I'm doing that today!

  2. Hi Jean,
    Jump in! There are no mistakes in the blogosphere!

  3. I feel like I'm a ghostly teacher somewhere out in the ether watching over everyone's shoulders. :-)

  4. Great photo in your profile pic! Who took it?

  5. Chuck took the picture a couple of years ago -- or maybe even longer than that. I don't remember why I needed one. I didn't really have anything else except the "curly-head" one I use on Facebook, and it was taken in my office.
